New Books 2019

Ampleforth College                                       Peter Galliver
978 085244 839 4        180 pages                £

Canticle of the Creatures                          JohnWatts
978 085244  945 5      80 pages                £7.99

Cardinal Basil Hume                                  Gertrude Feick
978 085244  940 0        160 pages             £12.99

Essays Critical and Historical Vols 1 & 2 John Henry Newman
978 085244 457 3      Vol. 1                                      £35.00 hb

978 085244 4115       Vol.2                                       £35.00 hb

A  Garden for Our Lady                          Felicity Surridge
978 085244 915 8        140 pages               £9.99

The Indomitable Mr Cotham                       Joanna Vials
978 0852449288            620 pages            £

Newman at Littlemore                                  Bernard Bassett SJ
978 085244942 4          120 pages              £7.99

Newman’s London                                         Joanna Bogle
978 085244 713 0         140 pages             £9.99

Newman’s Oxford                                        Fr Jerome Bertram
978 085244 950 9          64 illustrated pages     £

The Noble Martyr                                      Dudley Plunkett
978 085244 959 2          124 pages                     £9.99

Rome: A Pilgrim Guide                                 Michael Rear
978 085244 901 1                        240 illustrated pages   £14.99

Unearthly Beauty                                              Guy Nicholls
978 085244 947 9        340 pages + illustrations     £25hb

Walsingham: Pilgrims and Pilgrimage               Michael Rear
978 085244  944 8        416 illustrated pages   £19.99

When Silence Speaks                                    Jennifer Moorcroft
978 085244 903 5               196 pages                  £15.99

The Word Invites                                            Fr Aidan Nicols, OP
978 085244 907 3    148 pages                            £9.99

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View Basket Difficulties 1 Indomitable Mr Cotham Canticle of the Creatures Cardinal Basil Hume Walsingham Word Invites Garden for Our Lady Newman's London Unearthly Beauty The Noble Martyr