New Books 2024

New Books published by Gracewing - 2024

Alice’s Father                                             John Witheridge
978 085244 865 6                      186 pages             £20.00hb

The Golden Thread                                         Patrick Heren
978 085244 976 9                      320 pages                £20.00

Introduction to Anthropology of Integration   Mark Georges
978 085244  988 2                    342 pages                 £25.00

Return of the White Canons                            Aidan Nichols
978 085244 833 5                      132 pages                 £12.99

St Benedict’s Prayer Book                                   Ampleforth       
978 085244 258 6                      192 pages               £10.00hb

With Angels and Archangels                          John Blakesley
978 085244 719 2                       192 pages                £15.99

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View Basket Golden Thread Return of the White Canons Saint Benedict’s Prayer Book With Angels & Archangels Alice's Father Introduction to Anthropology of Integration