© Gracewing 2025
The following books are for sale at a special reduced price, plus P&P. The original price is shown in brackets. The quantity in stock is indicated next to each title. This page is constantly updated to add new titles and remove sold out items. Please quote 'Bargain Books' when ordering. Both private and trade orders welcome.
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(Updated 7th February 2025)
In addition to the titles listed below we have residue stocks from the following publisher's: Lion Publishing, 23rd Publications, and Orbis (Maryknoll). All are pre-2000 titles priced similar to those below. Please ring to check availability of any books you may be looking for.
Various Publishers
Affirming Love (C Leonard) 1841010529 £2.50 (£5.99) 2 copies
Angel at my Shoulder (G S Eckersley) 9780712672087 £3.00 (£6.99) 1 copy
Awakenings (J Chittister) 9781626984646 £8.00 (£15.99) 1 copy
Be Still and Know That I Am God (Opatz) 9780814612316 £2.00 (£5.00) 2 copies
Before the Beginning (G Ellis) 9780714529707 £3.00 (£7.99) 1 copy
The Bible Code Hb (M Drosnin) 9780297819950 £4.50 (£20) 4 copies
Blessed Mother Teresa Hb (T Mundakel) 9781903650615 £3.50 (£9.99) 1 copy
Bread of Life (leather) 9780819811677 £4.50 (£12.99) 2 copies
By Stony Paths (J Cotter) 9781870652117 £1.50 (£4.95) 1 copy
A Case for Peace (Hellwig) 9780814658345 £2.00 (£5.95) 1 copy
Catholic Faith Handbook for Youth 9780884897591 £3.50 (£10.99) 1 copy
Children’s Liberation (Grassi) 9780814619643 £2.00 (£5.00) 1 copy
Christ in His Fullness (B Sullivan) 0970262175 £3.00 (£8.99) 1 copy
Christianity for the 21st Century (Alexander Men) 9780826408945 £3.00 (£10) 1 copy
Church Administration Handbook hb 9781921032653 £4.50 (£20) 1 copy
Claim to the Messiahship (E Azoopardi) 9781863150692 £1.50 (£4.95) 1 copy
The Closed Circle (D Pryce-Jones) 9780586090152 £3.00 (£7.99) 1 copy
Clever as Serpents (Grote) 9781814658673 £2.00 (£10.00) 2 copies
Come and See hb (Schaefer) 9781932021080 £4.00 (£14.99) 10 copies
Commentary on the American Prayer Book Hb (Hatchett) £3.50 (£34.50)
1 copy
Concise Guide to Vatican II (E Hannenburg) 9780867165524 £3.50 (£7.99) 1 copy
Conversation on the Dung Heap (R Hubble) 9780814625033 £3.00 (£8.50) 1 copy
Creation Spirituality & Dreamtime(Fox M) 9780855743642 £2.50 (£5.99) 3 copies
Crewe Train (Rose Macaulay) 9781853818271 £2.50 (£6.99) 2 copies
Creating Love (Bradshaw J) 9780749912253 £3.00 (£9.99) 1 copy
The Cube & The Cathedral hb (Weigel) 9780465092666 £4.50 (£12.99) 1 copy
Dangerous Precincts (J Treherne) 9780586205181 £1.50 (£3.50) 1 copy
The Diary of Jesus (J Aulagnier) 9782920285064 £4.50 (£10.99) 1 copy
Discipleship (J Heinrich Arnold) 0874860660 £3.00 (£7.99) 1 copy
The Enduring Covenant ((O’Hare) 9781563381867 £3.00 (£9.99) 2 copies
Eve’s Secrets (Lowndes Sevely) 9780586087794 £3.00 (£5.99) 1 copy
Everyday Comfort (R Becton) 9780801010668 £2.00 (£3.95) 1 copy
Exegetical & Expository Commentary: Vol 2 Minor Prophets Hb 9780801063077
£10.00 (£29.99) 5 copies
The Face of Nazarene (N Trimming) 9781901157901 £2.50 (£9.95) 2 copies
Facilitating for Growth (Fleischer) 9780814621707 £2.50 (£9.50) 2 copies
Favourite Prayers from the Bible (Evans) 0899429254 £2.00 (£5.99) 1 copy
Fifty Days Plus Forever (McIlhon) 9780814619582 £2.00 (£5.50) 1 copy
Fire Upon The Earth (Bro Darcy) 9781894294591 £3.50 (£9.99) 1 copy
Five Wounds of the Early Church: Rosmini (A Belsito) £4.00 £10.99) 1 copy
The Forbidden Body (Shelley Bovey) 9780044408710 £3.00 (£7.99) 1 copy
Forever Faithful (W Reiser) 9780814658499 £3.00 (£7.50) 2 copies
Gardening with God (Mossendew) 9780826461025 £4.00 (£9.99) 1 copy
The Gargoyle Code (D Longenecker) 9781935302001 £3.50 (£8.99) 10 copies
Getting Along (Sinclair & Hirsh) 9780929032801 £2.50 (£6.99) 1 copy
God’s Holy Fire (L Cross) 9780992540609 £4.50 (£9.99) 1 copy
God’s Invisible Hand (Cardinal Arinze) 9781586171353 £8.00 (£12.99) 6 copies
& The Law in Galatia (Smiles) 9780814658680 £3.50 (£10.99) 3 copies
Growing in Health & Grace (P Collins) 9781873223505 £2.50 (£5.99) 1 copy
Guide for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 9781568546087
£3.00 (£4.99) 1
Guide for Lectors (Meagher) 9781586546070 £3.00 (£8.99) 1 copy
Guide for Ushers and Greeters (Ferrell) 9781568547459 £3.00 (£5.00) 1 copy
A History of God (K Armstrong)978049306922 £3.50 (£7.99) 2 copies
How Large is God? Hb (Ed; J Templeton) 9781890151010 £3.50 (£14.99) 1 copy
The Humble Approach (J Templeton) 9781890151171 £2.50 (£7.99) 1 copy
If You Do Love Old Men Hb (Owens) 0802836771 £2.50 (£10.99) 1 copy
In The Vatican Hb (Peter Hebblethwaite) 0283993243 £3.50 (£9.99) 2 copies
Interpreting the Pauline Epistles (Schreiner) 9780801083020 £3.50 (£9.99) 1 copy
Ishmael (D Quinn) 9780553375404 £2.50 (£7.99) 1 copy
The Janus Enigma (William R. Dudley) 9781788760942 £5.00 (£10.00) 1 copy
Jesus & The Mystery of Christ (C Hill) 9781863711623 £4.00 (£10.99) copies
Jesus for Beginners (O’Hear & J Groves) 978874166102 £3.00 (£7.99) 1 copy
Jesus The Man (B Thiering)9780552139502 £3.00 (£7.99) 1 copy
John of the Cross:Man and Mystic (Hardy) 9780819839809 £3.50 (£9.99) 2 copies
Journeybread for the Shadowlands (P Jackson) 9780814621134 £3.00 (£8.50) 1 copy
The Joy of Belonging (P Collins) 978873223901 £2.50 (£5.99) 2 copies
Joyous Expectation:Advent with Mary (M J Frisk) 9780819839825 £3.50 (£10) 1 copy
The Key to Gabriel (C Zvikler) 9780953511501 £3.00 (£9.99) 4 copies
Life After Death Hb (I Wilson) 9780283063009 £3.50 (£16.99) 1 copy
Liturgy: Active Participation (Molek) 9780814619674 £2.00 (£4.75) 2 copies
Love Letters from Cell 92 hb (Bonhoeffer) 9780006278030 £4.50 (£12.99) 1 copy
Love’s Work (G Rose) 978701163044 £3.00 (£7.99) 1 copy
Luke (H Wansbrough) 9781841010274 £3.00 (£7.99) 9 copies
The Mass for Children (S Bateman) 9780955538087 £3.00 (£5.99) 1 copy
The Mass for Children hb (Winkler) 0899422151 £2.50 (£4.95) 1 copy
The Meaning of Pastoral Care (J.E.Hinkle) 0940989468 £3.00 (£7.99) 1 copy
Meeting God in Quiet Places Hb (F Smith) 9781565070062 £3.50 (£9.99) 1 copy
Miserable Lies (N King) £4.00 (£9.99) 1 copy
Mysteries and Stations (P Chicjikov) 9780976858003 £3.50 (£7.99) 1 copy
My Little Missal (Roche) 9781860825651 £2.50 (£3.95) 1 copy
My Simple Mass Book 9781860828782 £2.00 (£3.95) 1 copy
One Arrow, One Kill (A Satsangi) 9798737322458 £3.50 (£9.99) 1 copy
Our Father’s Business (C Irven) 9781861067517 £3.00 (£7.99) 1 copy
Out of This World: Guide to Retreats (Target G) 0900873736 £2.00 (£4.95) 1 copy
Penguin Book of Christmas Carols 9780140083576 £1.50 (£2.95) 1 copy
Penguin History of Crusades V1 9780140550504 £3.50 (£7.99) 2 copies
Penguin History of Crusades V2 9780140550511 £3.50 (£8.95) 1 copy
Pentecostal Formation (Bridges Johns) 185075442X £2.50 (£7.99) 1 copy
Perseverance in Trials (C Martini) 9780814620601 £3.50 (£7.99) 1 copy
Physics of Immortality hb (F J Tipler) 9780333618646 £4.50 (£20) 1 copy
Poetry as Prayer: The Psalms (Pennington) 9780819859273 £3.50 (£7.99) 1 copy
Poetry as Prayer: Thomas Merton (Waldron) 9780819859198 £3.50 (£7.99) 1 copy
Praying for Priests (K Beckman) 9781622822119 £5.00 (£12.50) 2 copies
Priest & the Playwright (M F Brown) 9781906710637 £3.50 (£7.99) 1 copy
Prophets/Now (L Brandt) 0570044294 £1.50 (£4.95) 1 copy
Prophetess of our Time hb (Schaefer) 9780615807119 £4.00 (£14.99) 10 copies
Consciousness (Bowman) 9781939261885 £2.50 (£6.99) 1 copy
The Raga Guide (Joep Bor) 9780954397609 £4.50 (£14.99) 1 copy
Relation of the Mineral Salts to the Zodiac (George W. Carey) 9781603867047 £3.50 (£8.99) 1 copy
Remembrance: Prayers & Readings for Memorial Services 9780718138716 £2.50 (£9.99) 2 copies
Ring of Prayer Hb (K A Goodacre) 1850931364 £2.50 (£6.95) 1 copy
Rise & Growth of Anglican Schism (Sander) 9780895553478 £3.00 (£12.99) 6 copies
The Sacred World of the Christian (M A Wagner) 9780814621028 £3.50 (9.50) 5 copies
The Sacket Companion (L L’Amour) 9780553371024 £3.00 (£10.99) 2 copies
Saint Monica (G Falbo) 9780819870995 £4.00 (£9.99) 1 copy
Saint Nicholas:Bishop of Myra Hb (Cann) 978289073086 £4.00 (£15.99) 1 copy
Sacred Reading (M Casey) 9780892438914 £4.00 (£12.99) 1 copy
Seize The Day with Bonhoeffer 9780867600940 £2.50 (£7.99) 2 copies
70 Great Christians (Hanks G) 9781871676800 £3.50 (£9.99) 1 copy
Signs, Words & Gestures (B Fischer) 9780814660485 £3.50 (£6.99) 1 copy
Sins of the Fathers:Clerical Crime Hb (M Bryant Ed)) £4.00 (£8.99) 5 copies
Something Understood (Dunne S) 9781860230080 £2.50 (£9.99) 1 copy
Speaking of the Kingdom (Osborne) 0951903713 £1.50 (£4.50) 2 copies
Spiritual Direction (Fr Stoop) 9780977526703 £3.00 (£9.99) 1 copy
Spiritual Warfare (Kosicki) 0962597546 £2.00 (3.00) 1 copy
Story of Noah & the Flood hb (Winkler) 0899429475 £2.50 (£4.95) 1 copy
Summa of the Christian Life (3 vols) 9780895551214 £10.00 (£22.50) 10 sets
Ten Ways the Church Has Changed (Bellitto) 978019874183 £3.00 (£9.99) 1 copy
Theology of the Body in Context (W May) 9780819874313 £4.00 (£9.99) 1 copy
Through the Glass Window Shines the Sun: Medieval Poetry HB (P Norris (Ed))
9780821222065 £4.00 (£13.99) 2 copies (beautiful colour illustrations)
The Tomb of God (R Andrews & P Schellenberger) 9780316879975
£4.50 (£20.00) 2 copies
Truth Hb (F Fernandez-Armesto) 9780593041406 £2.50 (£10.99) 10 copies
The Ultimate Mystery (J Bishop) 9781860770814 £2.50 (£12.99) 1 copy
What God Has NOT United (Paul Robbins) 9781858639406 £3.00 (£6.99) 2 copies
What is Wrong with Christian Healing ? 9780950699011 £2.00 (£5.95) 1 copy
When God is Silent (Brown Taylor) 1561011576 £2.00 (£5.99) 1 copy
Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls? Hb (N Golb) 9781854797889 £4.00 (£19.99) 1 copy
Wildmen, Warriors, and Kings (Arnold) 9780824512521 £3.50 (£9.99) 1 copy
Windows on the Holy Land (Pedlow) 0227678397 £1.50 (£3.35) 2 copies
A Woman Reads the Gospel of Luke (Dornisch) 9780814623077 £3.50 (£10.99) 1 copy
The Wonder of Comfort (P Hobe) 9780664260033 £2.50 (£6.99) 1 copy
Wonderful Earth Hb (Butterworth & Inkpen) 9781856080056 £3.50 (£9.99) 2 copies
DVD (All new unplayed £6.99 incl VAT each plus P&P)
1 copy each in stock unless otherwise
The Agony and the Ecstasy
Ben Hur (Charlton Heston)
The Blood & the Rose
Face of Mercy
Father Robert Barron’s Eucharist
Fatima: The Day the Sun Danced (Cartoon)
6 copies
Full of Grace 2 copies
The Holy Rosary with Mother Angelica
The Inquisition
with an Exorcist
John of the Cross
John Paul II (4 discs) £10.00
John Paul II: Be Not
Afraid 7 copies
The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima 8 copies
Mother Teresa: The Legacy
3 copies
My Catholic Family: St Catherine of Laboure (Cartoon) 6 copies
Of Gods and
Paul, The Apostle of Christ
Reality Check
St Margaret Mary & The Sacred
St. Patrick: the Irish Legend
Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Secrets of the Eucharist
Gems 3 copies
the Story of the Nativity
The Testament of Mother Teresa 2 copies
What Every Catholic Needs to Know About the Bible
Arthur James
Apostles of Peace (Robert Van de Weyer) 085305357X £3.00 (£4.99) 3 copies
Between Earth and Heaven (Chris Peck) 0853053669 £7.00 (£9.99) 5 copies
Depth Psychology and Healing Ministry (Fred Blum) 0853053022 £4.50 (£5.95) 1 copy
Ecology and Faith:Writings of Pope John Paul II 085305410X £3.50 (£4.99) 4 copies
Good Lord (Bishop Ronald Brown) 085305326X £5.50 (£7.99) 12 copies
'Just Listen to this...' (Elizabeth Urch) 0853053707 £5.00 (£7.99) 5 copies
Light This Candle (M Hathaway) 9780853054764 £2.50(£4.99) 5 copies
Linking Up (David A.Hart) 0853053677 £7.50 (£11.99) 3 copies
The Little Office Book (Angela Tilby) 0853053391 £4.50 (£7.99) 1 copy
The Lost Epistles (Robert Van de Weyer) 0853053561 £3.00 (£4.99) 2 copies
The Mystery Beyond:On Retreat with Bede Griffiths 9780853054269 £2.50 (£5.99)
2 copies
Self & Environment On Retreat with Charles Brandt 9780853054276 £2.50 (£4.99)
5 copies
Seven Whole Days (Howard Booth) 0853053251 £3.50 (£5.99) 1 copy
Smouldering Fire (Martin Israel) 0853053286 £5.00 (£6.99) 1 copy
The Major
Religions (T.Patrick Burke) 9781557867155 £5.00 (£14.99)1 copy
After Noah (A
Linzey & D Cohn-Sherbok)9780264674506 £3.50 (£8.99) 3 copies
An Ark for the Poor (J
Vanier) 9780225668049 £3.00 (£5.99) 2 copies
Arts in the Religions of the Pacific
(A C Moore) 9780304700585 £5.00 (£10.99) 1 copy
Beyond the Dark Night (M C Grey) 9780304337538
£3.00 (£8.99) 3 copies
Beyond the Good Samaritan (A Morisy) 9780264674339 £3.00 (£6.99)
1 copy
Bird of Paradise (M Furlong) 9780264673363 £5.00 (£11.99) 2 copies
Called to
Mission (C Dodd) 9780225666090 £2.50 (£6.99) 2 copies
Celebrating Resistance (D Soelle)
9780264672977 £2.50 (£4.99) 14 copies
Changing Faces (B Mountford) 9780264671987 £2.50
(£6.99) 15 copies
Christian Ministry of the Sick (T Coyle) 9780225664713 £3.00 (£6.99)
14 copies
The Commandments in the Catechism(M Boulding) 978022567950 £3.50 (£7.99)5
Cracking the God Code (Saward) 978026671697 £2.00 (£4.99) 20 copies
Christianity (H Montefiore) 9780264674070 £5.00 (£12.99) 2 copies
Dare We Speak of
God (F Young) 9780264673660 £3.00 (£15.99) 2 copies
Divorce and Second Marriage (K
Kelly) 9780225668209 £2.50 (£8.99) 1 copy
Down to Earth Hb (D Reeves) 9780264673714
£3.00 (£10.99) 3 copies
The Everyday God ((Dominian/Flood) 9780225666762 £2.50 (£6.99)
3 copies
Five World Faiths (W Cole) 9780304324781 £3.00 (£8.95) 5 copies
From Chaos
to Mission (G Arbuckle) 9780225668063 £3.50 (£12.99) 16 copies
God Day By Day:Advent/Xmas
9780225664591 £3.50 (£12.99) 15 copies
Grieving for Change (G Arbuckle) 9780225666380
£3.00 (£8.99) 3 copies
Guru Nanak and the Snake (Parmiter/Rice) 9780304316991 £2.00
(£5.99) 2 copies
Just Good Friends (E Stuart) 9780264673288 £3.00 (£7.99) 1 copy
Mission (B Butler) 9780264672786 £2.00 (£5.99) 2 copies
Life-Rails Hb (S Walker) 066421875X
£2.50 (£7.99) 1 copy
Making Families Work (M Grimer) 9780225667226 £2.50 (£6.99) 4
Mervyn Stockwood (M De-la-Noy) 978 0264674612 £3.00 (£7.95) 3 copies
The Mind
of the Maker (S Howatch) 9780264673554 £3.00 (£7.99) 2 copies
The Miracle Stories
(H Hendrickx) 0225664879 £3.50 (£12.99) 1 copy
The Miracles of Jesus (H J Richards)
9780264669717 £2.00 20 copies
Muskets & Altars Hb (R Askew)978264674308 £3.50 (£8.99)
1 copy
Not By Birth Alone (Various) 9780304338092 £3.00 (£6.99) 1 copy
On The Receiving
End (Cotton/Stevenson) 9780264673820 £3.00 (£9.99) 2 copies
One Faith? (D Hart) 9780264673677
£3.00 (£10.99) 2 copies
Peace in Ireland Hb (D Bleakley) 9780264673752 £2.00 (£9.99)
1 copy
Perspectives on New Religious Movements Pb 9780225667875 £3.00 (£14.99) 4 copies
on New Religious Movements Hb 9780225667868 £3.00 (£14.99) 1 copy
Pillars of the Church
Hb (J Bown) 9780264672687 £3.50 (£10.99) 1 copy
Prayers & Thoughts of Chinese (Chan/Hunter)
9780264672182 £2.00 20 copies
Preaching from the Cathedrals ((H Dammers) 9780264674537
£3.00 (£6.99) 2 copies
Preaching for These People ((A McLellah) 9780264674322 £3.00
(£6.99) 5 copies
Prophecy Interpreted (Milton) 0225660466 £2.00 (£5.95) 15 copies
Real God (R Harries) 9780264673844 £3.00 (£6.99) 2 copies
Received Wisdom (B Hoose)
9780225667394 £3.50 (£6.99) 11 copies
Reflective Teaching in Secondary Educ.9780304335367(A
Pollard) £2.50 (£12.99)5 copies
Responses to 101 Questions on Feminism (D Carmody)
780225667370 £2.50 (£6.99)
6 copies
Revelation ((A Shorter) 0225663562 £3.50 £7.99)
2 copies
Robert Runcie (A Hastings) 9780264672854 £3.00 (£8.99) 1 copy
Science, Religion
& the Future (S Howatch) 9780264673745 £3.50 (£6.99) 1 copy
The Search for Unity
(W Purdy) 9780225667103 £3.50 (£20) 5 copies
Seven Whole Days (B Kenneth) 0264671716
£2.50 (£5.99) 5 copies
Songs of Praise People (E Barr) 9780264672649 £2.50 (£5.95)
4 copies
Themes & Issues in Christianity Pb (Davies) 978304338498 £3.50 (£9.99) 2
Themes & Issues in Christianity Hb (Davies) 0304338486 £3.50 (£12.99) 2 copies
and Biotechnology(C Deane-Drummond) 9780225668490 £3.50(£9.95) 2 copies
Theology and
the Church (J Segundo) 0225664801 £2.50 (£7.95) 9 copies
Times Book of Prayers (R
Gledhill) 9780264674421 £3.50 (£8.99) 7 copies
To Each Its Own Meaning (S Mckenzie:Ed)
9780225667196 £3.50 (£9.95) 1 copy
Trees of Life (U Kroll)9780264674520 £3.00 (£7.99)
2 copies
Virtuous Magic Hb (S Maitland) 9780264673868 £4.50 (£12.99) 4 copies
Bearers (R Kew) 9780264674510 £2.50 (£9.99) 9 copies
What is Catholicism? (D L Edwards)
9780264673257 £3.50 (£12.99) 6 copies
Why is there a New Testament? (J F Kelly) 9780225664836
£2.50 (£7.95) 9 copies
Company of Strangers (Palmer) 9780824506018 £2.50 (£9.99) 1 copy
Deep Prayer
(DeBlassie) 9780824510695 £2.50 (£7.50) 3 copies
Facing West from California Hb (D
Toolan) 9780824508050 £3.00 (£13.95) 1 copy
The Gospel Truth (M Finley) 97808245514785
£2.50 (£5.99) 2 copies
Health & Medicine in Lutheran Trad. Hb (Marty) 9780824506131
£3.00 (£9.99) 1 copy
Holy Use of Money (Haughley) 9780824509446 £2.50 (£11.50) 1 copy
Christ, Word of the Father 9780824516581 £3.00 (£9.99) 2 copies
Journeys by Heart
(R Brock) 780824510824 £2.50 (£8.99) 7 copies
Myth Man (J R Aurelio) 9780824512101
£3.00 (£8.95) 4 copies
Papal Primacy & the Episcopate (Buckley) 9780824517458£3.00
(£8.99) 1 copy
The Price of Wisdom (McMahon) 9780824515539 £3.00 (£9.99) 2 copies
of Joy (J Chittister) 9780824516611 £3.00 (£8.99) 2 copies
Still By Your Side Hb (Holmes)
9780824516314 £2.50 (£10.99) 2 copies
Voice from the Desert Hb (J Gaillot) 9780824515843
£2.50 (£8.99) 1 copy
Wildmen. Warriors & Kings Hb (Arnold) 9780824511050 £3.50 (£9.99)
2 copies
Wrap Myself in a Rainbow (Alexander) 9780824515201 £3.00 (£8.99) 1 copy
Longman & Todd
Awakening the Giant (Pat Lynch) 0232518661 £3.00 (£5.95) 8 copies
Change to Life (Roger Grainger) 023252033X £6.50 (£7.95) 2 copies
Changing Perspectives (Rosalie Osmond) 0232520240 £6.50 (£7.95) 23 copies
Church for the City (Ed: Eric Blakebrough) 0232520860 £6.50 (£7.95) 3 copies
The Country Church (Robert van der Weyer) 0232519463 £5.50 (£6.95) 2 copies
The Dawn of the New Age (Michael Green) 0232519803 £3.00 (£4.95) 18 copies
Evangelism:Now & Then (Michael Green) 023251979X £4.50 (£6.95) 2 copies
Facing Changes, Changing Faces (Marcetti and Lunn) 0232520828 2 copies
A Faith that touches the World: A Lent Course (Ed: James Jones) 0232520429 £2.00 £2.95) 7 copies
Freedom for Growth (Ed: David Hope) 0232521263 £3.00 (£4.95) 3 copies
The Fulcrum and the Fire (Sue Walrond-Skinner) 0232519846 £8.00 (£10.95) 5 copies
Funny You Should Say That (Roy Williamson) 023251982X £3.00 (£4.95) 2 copies
God, Where Are You? (Gerard Hughes) 9780232522266 £7.00 (£10.95) 1 copy
A Gospel to Proclaim (Nigel McCulloch) 0232510070 £3.00 (£4.95) 2 copies
Hell and Other Destinations (Piers Paul Read) 0232526516 £5.00 (£12.95) 1 copy
The Hidden Word (Melvyn Matthews) 0232519994 £7.00 (£9.95) 4 copies
John: Evangelist of the Covenant People (John W.Pryor) 0232519382 £10.00 (£14.95) 3 copies
Journey to the Centre (Christopher Bryant) 0232517452 £1.50 (£2.95) 15 copies
The Lively Credentials of God (Kenneth Cragg) 023252128X £10.00 (£14.95) 3 copies
The Politics of Peace (Brian Frost) 0232519374 £7.00 (£10.95) 3 copies
Sharing a Vision (George Carey) 0232520356 £7.00 (£10.95) 1 copy
Signs and Wonders (John Gunstone) 0232518505 £2.00 (£2.95) 2 copies
The Time of Your Life (Lawrence and Diana Osborn) 0232520151 £5.00 (£6.95) 2 copies
Trust and Obey (David K.Gilbert) 0232518998 £6.50 (£9.95) 3 copies
Windows on Salvation (Ed: Donald English) 0232520380 £6.50 (£8.95) 3 copies
New International Commentary on the New Testament (all hardback)
2nd Epistle to Corinthians (P.E.Hughes) 0802823483 £10.00 (£24.99) 1 copy
Epistle of Paul to Philippians (J.J.Muller) 080282188X £10.00 (£15.99) 3 copies
Epistle of James (J.Adamson) 08028 23777 £10.00 (£16.99) 16 copies
Tyndale New Testament Commentaries
Acts (I.H.Marshall) 0802814239 £7.00 (£11.99) 7 copies
Calvin's Old Testament Commentaries
Ezekiel 1-12 0802807518 £10.00 (£14.99) 4 copies
Daniel 080280750X £10.00 (£14.99) 2 copies
Calvin's New Testament Commentaries
Hebrews and 1& 2 Peter 0802808123 £10.00 (£14.99) 4 copies
Matthew, Mark & Luke 0802808018 £10.00 (£14.99) 1 copy
God As Nature Sees God: Tao Te Ching (Rev Mabry) 1852305940 £5.50 (£9.99) 1 copy
God, Chance & Necessity (Keith Ward) 1851681167 £6.00 (£10.99) 2 copies
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