© Gracewing 2024
Our Sunday Visitor
Selected 2022-2024 Titles
Carlo Acutis
Enter the Narrow Gate The choices we make each day have eternal ramifications, and there can be no compromise
between the narrow way and the easy road. Ultimately, each of us must face — and
answer — this all-important question: Are we willing to enter through the narrow
gate and follow the narrow way all the way to heaven? |
Every Day with Saint Joseph |
Fathers of the Faith In this volume from the Fathers of the Faith series, you will be introduced to Saint
Augustine of Hippo. Who was he? What did he teach? Where and when did he live? Why
is he an important figure in the history of the Church? |
Fathers of the Faith In this volume from the Fathers of the Faith series, you’ll be introduced to Saint Irenaeus of Lyons. Who was he? What did he teach? Where and when did he live? Why is he an important figure in the history of the Church?
Imagine You Walked with Jesus In this volume you will learn the method of imaginative prayer developed by St Ignatius of Loyola 500 years ago. Then you’ll be guided through Gospel-based encounters with Jesus, from his birth to his resurrection.
Invitation and Encounter Shows how the sacraments, as efficacious signs, are Christ working in the Church
by the power of the Holy Spirit. This book presents a pastoral introduction to sacramental
theology from the standpoint of evangelization. How do sacraments evangelize? How
do sacraments both heal and divinize those who receive them? |
The Life of Jesus Christ The engaging eighteen-month spiritual journey of a Protestant pastor that finally
led to his confirmation and reception in the Catholic Church. During this time he
found that Catholic teachings had Scriptural support that he had completely overlooked.
Here he weaves his personal story into an examination of specific Scriptures. |
My Son Carlo Carlo Acutis Through the Eyes of His Mother 978-1-63966-025-4 240 pages £22.50 |
OSV Kids Stations of the Cross This helps children understand and connect with the Passion of Christ. Perfect for
schools, parishes, and families, this wonderfully illustrated booklet includes age-appropriate
descriptions of each Station, prayers, and questions for reflection and discussion. |
Saint Dominic’s Way of Life Patrick Mary Briscoe, OP Few Catholics today know much about Saint Dominic, who died eight hundred years ago
in 1221. Unlike Francis of Assisi, Teresa of Ávila, or Ignatius of Loyola, Dominic
did not leave a deposit of writings to be examined and built upon. Yet this medieval
Spaniard still has much to teach us today, and we see this in the way of life he
left to the Church. |
The September Pope
Understanding the Bible You know the eternal value of the Bible and have been moved in your heart to pick it up, but you’ve found it hard to navigate. Perhaps you’ve already tried reading the Bible and have been overwhelmed. Maybe you’re more familiar with the Bible but don’t understand how its wisdom can be useful in the world right now. 978 1 68192 980 4 - 336 pages - £13.99 |
Educating for Eternity 978 1 68192 756 5 272 pages £10.99 |
The Screwtape Letters and the Catechism M de la Torre Bringing together two wonderful and significant resources that can help us to grow
in spiritual courage, this book examines each chapter of 978 1 68192 547 9 152 pages £13.99 |
Jesus and the Miracle of the Mass With beautiful illustrations and memorable rhyme, this book introduces children to the miracle that occurs at every Mass — the bread and wine on the altar transformed into the real presence of Jesus. Told from the unique and intimate perspective of Jesus himself, the story explains the incredible gift that the Eucharist is for us.
978 1 63966 017 9 36 pages hardback colour £13.99 |