Ignatius Press
 Spring/Summer 2022

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Soundings in Biblical, Trinitarian, and Spiritual Theology
Margaret Turek

book develops a synthesis of the chief insights and convictions concerning the mystery of atonement gleaned primarily from the works of four theological guides: John Paul  II, Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Norbert Hoffmann. Distinct from the majority of theological accounts of atonement - which focus almost exclusively on the role of Christ  - this book highlights the role of God the Father.

                     978 1 62164 504 7   270 pages  £16.50

Charles de Foucauld
  Jean-Jacques Antier

The popularity of Charles de Foucauld continues to spread  around the globe as time goes on. Unknown during his  lifetime as a solitary monk in the Sahara Desert, and assassinated by bandits in 1916, this former French playboy had  a radical conversion to Christ that compelled him to live a deeply ascetical religious life that has had a great impact on  the world since his death. Pope Francis officially canonized him a saint on May 15, 2022.

978 1 62164 515 3  361 pages £16.50

               The Chronicles of Transformation
A Spiritual Journey with C S Lewis
                                Edited by Leonard DeLorenzo

A truly one-of-a-kind work, it features an essay for each of the seven chronicles plus an introductory essay about how to approach reading the chronicles, alongside original illustrations for each chronicle and an original poem cycle. This book speaks directly to readers interested in finding spiritual sustenance, inspiration, and joy.

978 1 62164 535 1  275 pages  £14.99

Faith of Our Fathers
Joseph Pearce

"The history of the Catholic Church in England is as rich and inspiring as the Island she has called home for nearly two millennia. Joseph Pearce does a masterful job of tracing this journey of faith, from the first proclamation of the Gospel on her shores, all the way to our present day." — Bishop James Conley, Lincoln, Nebraska

        978 1 62164 435 4   384 pages  £16.50

The Meaning of the World is Love
Selected Texts from Hans Urs von Balthasar with Commentary
Richard Clements

This work makes Balthasar’s illuminating insights on love  more accessible to a wider audience of readers, and to encourage reflection upon those insights. The path of love is the path of self-gift and self-sacrifice, and is the only path to genuine fulfillment, the attainment of one’s full potential as a human being. This book of brief meditations on love will help the reader do exactly that.

978 1 62164 351 7   275 pages  £14.99

   The Message Behind the Movie
       Engaging Film without Disengaging Faith
       Douglas Beaumont

For Christians to interact well with movies, they must do so without disengaging their faith. What movies say about truth, reality, God, and religion are important to a culture addicted to the silver screen. This book serves both purposes: helping Christians more carefully evaluate the messages movies send by understanding them objectively, and by knowing how to respond to critical issues they contain.

978 1 62164 287 9   290 pages  £14.99

The Pope and the Holocaust
Pius XII and the Secret Vatican Archives

                                   Michael Hesemann

Traces the dramatic words and deeds of Eugenio Pacelli, Pius XII,  in the 1930s and 1940s, including his years as apostolic nuncio in Germany, when National Socialism first took hold of the country. Even some of his most controversial moves, such as the 1933 Vatican concordat, were made to protect souls and lives, both Christian and Jewish. What emerges from Hesemann’s strongly documented evidence is a picture of a man radically committed to the people of Israel and to the God who chose them. As the pope himself remarked in 1938, “It is not legitimate for Christians to take part in anti-Semitism. Spiritually, we are all Semites.”

                     978 1 62164 373 9  424 pages £16.50

Saint John of the Cross
Master of Contemplation

                                   Fr Donald Haggerty

ringing the strands of his thought together in a manageable and organized way for deeper comprehension can pro-foundly enhance our understanding of prayer and serious spirituality. The book provides essential interpretative keys for understanding the writings of St. John of the Cross on contemplation and sanctity in order to live a contemplative spirituality, even in the world

978 1 62164 542 9  392 pages £16.50

Sigrid Undset
Reader of Hearts
Aidan Nichols, OP

Unpacks the figure of Sigrid Undset from a distinctively Christian point of view. Rich in both biography and textual analysis—including of works never translated into English—Sigrid Undset: Reader of Hearts renders a shrewd, colourful account of a writer who allowed her art to be transfigured by

the Cross, by the fire of God’s mercy, and thus opened to an intricacy and beauty beyond all telling.

978 1 62164 507 8  260 pages  £14.99

The Song of Ascents

                             Lives of Rage and Stillness
                                       Tom Hiney

A medieval king awaiting a Viking invasion (King Alfred), a Jesuit evangelist at the court of Akbar (Father Monserrate), a West African prince in 1890s Indiana (Samuel Morris), and a composer in Communist Poland (Henryk Górecki), as well as a trapped Arctic whaling vessel (the Diana), a lost explorer (David Livingstone), a disobedient general (Charles Gordon), and an aging war hero (the author’s own father)—all these become unlikely companions in Hiney’s messy, fumbling journey to Christ.

978 1 62164 509 2   305 pages    £14.99

The Story of the Family
G.K.Chesterton on the Only State that Creates
and Loves Its Own Citizens

Edited by Dale Ahlqust

Though we shouldn't have to defend normal things, the fact is, our society has lost touch with the normal and seems to exalt the abnormal. Here is a book that makes a clear case for the family, the glorious heritage of the love between a man and a woman, marriage, parenthood, family life and the

home. Chesterton keenly pits these grounded truths against the fashionable fallacies of divorce, contraception, and abortion, as well as the troubling philosophies afflicting public education and the workplace.

                      978 1 62164 447 7  270 pages  £14.99

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