Blessed John Henry Newman—A Richly Illustrated Portrait

Sr Dietz FSO and Sr Dechant FSO

Many may wonder why Newman was beatified, what was it that made him holy?  The authors indicate an answer to this question.  His was not a life of extraordinary signs and wonders, of visions and ecstasies, not of physical trials.  His holiness consisted in living up to the divine gifts and virtues of faith, hope and love, accepting and obeying God’s will in the ordinary, everyday circumstances of life, as well as in the extraordinary spiritual trials he faced for long periods.

978 085244 724 6  Illustrated

160 pages £12.99 @ Special Price £10.00

Catholic Eton? Newman's Oratory School

Paul Shrimpton

To my mind Eton, minus its wickedness, and plus the inculcation of the Catholic faith would be what I should like best to see.

Many Catholic converts shared this sentiment with Sir John Simeon when confronted with the problem of educating their sons.  When in 1857 Newman was retiring from the Catholic University in Dublin he became the central figure in the establishment of the Oratory School.  For his classic exposition of a liberal education Newman is hailed as one of the greatest writers on educational theory.

978 085244 661 4

328 pages £17.99

Church… A Communion in the Preaching and Thought

of John Henry Newman

James Tolhurst

A fascinating study of the many related dimensions of human love and communion in John Henry Newman’s thought; in the family, in human friendship, in priestly pastoral care, in the nature of the diocese and the Church and its relationship to Christ; with its implications for the modern understanding of community and the search for true Christian study

978 085244 118 3

310 pages £9.99

Comfort in Sorrow

Words in Time of Bereavement from John Henry Newman

Edited by James Tolhurst

Cardinal Manning spoke of John Henry Newman as ‘a preacher of justice, of piety and of compassion’.  Nowhere can this be seen more clearly than in his letters to the bereaved.

978 085244 306 4

114 pages £5.99

Dream of Gerontius

John Henry Newman

Preface by Fr. Benedict Groeschel, CFR

Cardinal Newman’s renowned poem describes the death of an old man and the journey of his soul to the judgment seat of God.  First published in 1865, it quickly became a best-seller.  In an insightful preface, Fr Benedict Groeshel explains the relevance of the work for today.

978 0 85244 822 9

80 pages £5.99   

Edward Caswall: Newman’s Brother and Friend

Nancy Marie de Flon

Satirist, humorist, Church of England vicar and convert to Roman Catholicism, Edward Caswall (1814-1878) was one of the 19th century’s most important hymnologists - posterity is indebted to him for both his original and translated hymns, including ‘See, amid the winter’s snow’.  He was, moreover, the faithful financial and administrative mainstay of Newman’s Oratory in Birmingham from the time of his conversion in 1847 until his death some thirty years later.

978 085244 607 2

240 pages £14.99

Ever Yours Affly: John Henry Newman and his Female Circle

Joyce Sugg

The intellectual Newman often overshadows the more personal and intimate nature of the man as exemplified in this account of his friendship with a great many women.  Though mostly unknown now their lives were of great interest to Newman who produced over the years a lively, compassionate and practical correspondence which not only throws light on his own character but also illuminates the lives of these women.

978 0875244 315 6

336 pages £15.99

From Oxford to the People

Edited by Paul Vaiss

In this collection of original essays, the writers go beyond the well-worn paths and explore less familiar subjects such as the ecclesiology of the Oxford Movement, the spread of the Movement’s ideas within parishes, the politics of the Tractarians, the importance of Newman’s tour of Italy, and the social conscience of the Oxford Movement.

978 085244 269 2

310 pages £15.99

The  Logic of Conversion

                                         Robert C. Christie

This study follows the trail of how Newman “came to know what he knew” in order to shed further light on his conversion journey. Newman’s pilgrimage has proven to be of archetypal significance to religious seekers for well over a century.  The author’s hope is that this present book may reformulate and rejuvenate Newman’s conversion story for a whole new generation.

978 1 62138 876 0

400 pages £25.50    

John Henry Newman - A Very English Saint

Peter Chisnall

As the sanctity of John Henry Cardinal Newman finally receives recognition by the Church, there is ever more interest in this very English of priests.

The need for a popular introduction and work of synthesis to Newman scholarship for the non-specialist was never greater than today.  Professor Chisnall has produced such a work.

978 085244 683 6

304 pages £14.99

John Henry Newman - His Inner Life

Father Zeno, OFM

Using Newman’s letters, diaries, published and unpublished sermons the author draws together the interior struggles Newman faced from childhood until his death.  A landmark work considered one of the best spiritual biographies of Newman

978 0 89870 112 8

335 pages £16.50

John Henry Newman - His Life and Work

Brian Martin

Blessed John Henry Newman is widely loved and remembered, yet his conversion to the Church of Rome sparked off one of the bitterest and more divisive controversies of the Victorian age, and one which lost him friends and respect. With extensive use of the letters and diaries Brian Martin’s sympathetic study combines biography with a critical assessment of Newman’s achievements.

978 085244 807 6  Illustrated

160 pages   £9.99

John Henry Newman: Snapdragon in the Wall

Joyce Sugg

Venerated throughout the world, Newman’s many gifts, and his life of exemplary holiness continue to fascinate.  Here is a highly readable account of his life, written with a freshness and immediacy that brings us close to the story of this remarkable man.

978 085244 500 6

196 pages £6.99

Mary: The Virgin Mary in the Writings of Newman

Edited by Philip Boyce

In this rich anthology of Newman's writing on Mary, we are invited to join in the spiritual journey and personal devotion of perhaps the greatest churchman of the last two hundred years in the English-speaking world. Drawn from a full range of his work, expertly and deftly brought together, it creates a deeply devotional volume of readings on Our Lady.

978 085244 529 7

450 pages £25.00hb

Mary—The Second Eve

From the writings of

John Henry Newman

Extracts from the books of John Henry Newman arranged systematically so as to provide continuous reading of his key-thoughts and explanations about the Blessed Virgin.

978 085244 016 2

40 pages £1.99

Newman Compendium for Sundays and Feastdays

Edited by Fr James Tolhurst

With passages drawn from sermons and addresses given throughout his ministry, The Newman Compendium, provides a quotation from Newman for each Sunday and Feastday of the three year cycle.  Supplemented by a helpful introduction, a schematic index and full critical  notes showing the scriptural sources lying behind Newman’s words, the Compendium can be used equally well for service preparation, or personal reading.

978 085244292 0

280 pages £9.99

Newman the Oratorian: Oratory Papers 1846-1878

Edited by Placid Murray OSB

The second edition of Newman’s Oratory Papers (1846-78), being his Chapter addresses and other writings on the purpose and characteristics of Oratorian life. Each paper has been transcribed from the original manuscripts in the Birmingham Oratory Archives, and has been provided with a succinct introduction and notes.

978 085244 632 4

326 pages £20.00

Newman the Priest: A Father of Souls

Gerard Skinner

Presenting aspects of the life of Cardinal Newman and letting him speak to us in his own words, Fr Skinner draws from the tens of thousands of pages that this great pastor penned and presents Newman as a priest, ‘A Father of Souls’.  In a series of easily readable sketches we follow Newman’s life from the time when he first realised that God was calling him to the ordained ministry until his last years as a priest and Cardinal in the Birmingham Oratory that he had himself founded.

978 085244 736 9

330 pages £12.99

Newman's Approach to Knowledge

Laurence Richardson

This book probably represents the most extensive and in-depth analysis of Newman’s philosophy, and in particular of his theory of knowledge, that has been published in the last forty years.

978 0 85244 094 0

220 pages £9.99

Newman: His Life and Spirituality

An Intellectual & Spiritual Biography of John Henry Newman

Louis Bouyer

The author studied important unpublished documents by Newman at Birmingham Oratory and addressed the delicate question of Newman's sensitive temperament, the key to entering the world of this great theologian. For Bouyer, one of the principle elements of the spiritual universe of Newman is a genuine mysticism of Christ: "Irreplaceable mirror outside of which God's radiance eludes fallen man and only appears as a shadow."

Bouyer shows that St Augustine was the great apostle to the early Church, and St Thomas Aquinas was to the Middle Ages, so is Newman that for modern times. A work of major significance for anyone who wants to approach the towering figure of John Henry Newman.


410 pages £17.99

Parochial and Plain Sermons

John Henry Newman

All eight volumes of Newman’s famous sermons are brought together in this beautifully printed edition

978 089870 638 3

1,781 pages £56.50hb

Paul Cullen, John Henry Newman, and the

Catholic University of Ireland 1845–1865

Colin Barr

A fine and impressive piece of work, that makes an original contribution to nineteenth-century Irish history generally and to Irish education specifically.  St Hugh’s College, Oxford

978 085244 594 5

304 pages £17.99

Prayer in Newman

Giovanni Velocci, CSsR

Translated, with an introduction by Rev Nicholas L Gregoris

Thanks to the skill of Father Nicholas Gregoris, the publication in English translation of Giovanni Velocci's important work Prayer in Newman will bring before a wider audience a significant study. In a few pages are drawn together from Newman's sermons and meditations, both Anglican and Catholic, his reflections on the life of prayer. Moreover, this little work reveals Newman himself to be a masterful teacher of the art of prayer and—most important—to be essentially a man of prayer. In Father Velocci's memorable phrase, “prayer became the preferred occupation of Newman.”

978 085244 033 9

94 pages £5.99

Prayers, Verses and Devotions

John Henry Newman

A finely bound volume of Newman’s most profound devotional writings. His meditations on the  Litany of Loreto for the month of May and on the Stations of the Cross are already recognised as classics of Catholic spirituality.  His verses on various occasions are profoundly inspiring as are the spiritual hymns and canticles which distill the wisdom of the incomparable Newman.

978 1 62164 319 7

765 pages £19.99  

Stations of the Cross

John Henry Newman

Among the various texts that have been used for the Stations of the Cross, John Henry Newman’s words stand out as one of the most enduing.  The depth of his penetration of the reality of Christ’s Passion is matched only by his understanding of the mystery of our redemption and the richness of God’s mercy.  In this edition Newman’s original text is set alongside medieval illuminations.

978 0 85244 799 4

32 pages colour illuminations £3.50 @ special £1.99

Take Five

Meditations with John Henry Newman

Newman’s journey to Catholicism is one of the greatest stories of the 19th century church. He relied on divine revelation together with reason and historical facts to reach undisputable truths and vigorously defend religious doctrines. This book's brief, focused meditations will bring a similar clarity to your daily activities through John Henry Newman's deep Christian spirituality.

978 1 59276 800 4

192 pages £9.50

How Italy and Her People Shaped
Cardinal Newman

Jo Anne Cammarata Sylva. Ph.D

Dr. Sylva explains how Newman allowed himself to be led into the fullness of Catholic truth by St. Alphonsus Liguori, Alessandro Manzoni, and St. Philip Neri among others.

190 pages  £7.99

St. John Henry Newman

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