
A Call to Faith in a Broken World

Sally Read

Sensing the precarious nature of faith in an overwhelmingly secular world, Read, through meditation and anecdote, began writing down the compelling reasons for holding onto both God and Church. Taking the Annunciation as her template (that most fundamental yes to God), she explores common experiences of the spiritual life: His presence and invitation (And he came to her); the fears we have to let go of (Do not be afraid); the realization of our identity in God (Behold, I a the handmaid of the Lord) and what our vocation might be (Let it be to me according to your word); and when God feels verydistant from us (And the angel departed from her).

978 1 62164 302 9   150 pages  £12.99

Ceremonies Explained for Servers
A Manual for Altar Servers, Acolytes, Sacristans,

 and Masters of Ceremonies

   Bishop Peter Elliott

An in-depth, detailed manual for all those who assist the clergy in various ways in carrying out Catholic liturgical ceremonies according to the Roman Rite. There is no other book available like this. Primarily addressed to altar servers, of all ages, but should also be used by those who train them: priests, deacons, seminarians, sacristans, teachers, pastoral associates and youth leaders

978 1 62164 299 2  330 pages £19.99

Being Catholic
What Every Catholic Should Know

Suzie Andres

In Being Catholic, Suzie Andres focuses on those doctrines, customs, traditions, and practices which have been, for centuries, at the very heart of Catholic faith and practice. Topics covered include:

• The Seven Sacraments

• The Layout of a Church

• Details and Process of the Mass

• Catholic Doctrine on Mary

• The Communion of Saints

• Angels

• The Liturgical Year

• Popes, Bishops, Priests, and Religious Life

• Different Rites (Latin, Byzantine, Alexandrian, etc.)

978-1-73385-989-9  224 pages £13.99

Christ vs. Satan in Our Daily Lives

The Cosmic Struggle Between Good and Evil
Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J.

Father Spitzer provides the biblical and theological background of Jesus’ victory over Satan. The author also explores the reality of the Devil, including extraordinary manifestations of diabolic activity such as possession. He recalls the true story of the famous possession case on which the novel and film The Exorcist were based.

978-1-62164-417-0  425 pages £16.50

100 Questions and Answers About the Marian Apparitions

Paul Senz
Introduction by Edward Sri

Fatima: 100 Questions and Answers on the Marian Apparitions utilizes a question-and-answer format to explore the context of the apparitions, why they were so engrossing at the time, what they have meant to the Church and the world in

the century since they happened, and why the requests of Our Lady are so important today.

Our Lady are so important today.

978-1-62164-437-8   120 pages  £12.50


What Every Catholic Should Know

Fr Daniel Moloney

Fr. Moloney invites the reader to wrestle with the supposed contradiction of God saying that he is merciful, yet killing and punishing his creation. Moloney ultimately resolves this apparent contradiction by highlighting God's identity as the loving Father, explaining how, similar to good earthly fathers, sometimes the most loving route to take in truly loving your children and bringing them to their ultimate good is through the course of tough love. God is always good and loving, and his justice and mercy go hand-in-hand.

978-1-95093-915-2 224 pages £13.99

The Next Pope

The Office of Peter and a Church in Mission

George Weigel

While respecting the work of the current Pope, Francis, and his still-living predecessor, Benedict XVI, the author considers how well the Church fares two decades into the third millennium. He asks what coming Catholic leaders, especially

the next Pope, must do to remain faithful to the Spirit’s work of renewed evangelical witness, intensified missionary fervor, and Christ-centered church reform, in the wake of grave institutional failures, mission confusion, counter-witness, and secular challenges to faith.

978-1-62164-433-0 125 pages £16.50 Hardback

The Politics of Heaven and Hell

Christian Themes from Classical, Medieval, and Modern Political Philosophy

James V. Schall, SJ.  Foreword by Robert Reilly

Christianity “freed men from the overwhelming burden of ever thinking that their salvation will ultimately come from the political order”, writes Fr. James Schall, S.J. Modernity, on the other hand, is a perversion of Christianity, which tries to achieve man’s salvation in this world. It does this by politicizing everything, which results in the absolute state: “The distance from the City of God to the Leviathan is not at

all far once the City of God is relocated on earth.”

978-1-62164-353-1 340 pages £16.50

A Time to Die
Monks on the Threshold of Eternal Life
Nicolas Diat

                       Foreword by Cardinal Robert Sarah

Best-selling French author Nicolas Diat approaches subtly but frankly the mystery of a major question for all - the end of life - and reveals the profound and moving insights on death from monks in monasteries around Europe.

“In reading
A Time to Die, we better understand that death is the most important act of earthly existence. All life is made to explode, to go farther, to merge with Life, with God. I am infinitely thankful to Nicolas Diat for having brought us for a moment before the mystery of death, and I recommend to all the reading of this wonderful book.”

— Cardinal Robert Sarah, From the Foreword

978 1 62164 274 9  180 pages £14.99

Wisdom from the Psalms

Peter Kreeft

In this work Kreeft shares his personal explorations into the riches of the Psalms, his profound expeditions into this deep ocean of the divinely inspired spiritual water. He focuses on the dozen or so Psalms that are most people's favourites. He says that the Pslams are powerful prayers, and a spiritual weapon that God himself has given us for our great task of spiritual warfare, which is human life on earth.

task of spiritual warfare, which is human life on earth.

978-1-62164-344-9 280 pages  £14.99

The Word is Very Near You
Fr. Wilfrid Stinnisen, O.C.D.

Fr. Stinissen shows how the Bible reveals to us our true life with God - a life of joy, beauty and love. The Word is Very Near You is a book for all who wish to experience the living Word of God. He says that Bible reading and prayer belong inseparably together, and both are indispensable for anyone who wishes to live in close communion with God.h God.

978-1-62164-288-6   150 pages  £12.50

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