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Our Sunday Visitor
Catholic Bioethics (3rd Edition) |
Advent and Christmas with Mary Prepare for and celebrate Christ s coming with brief daily meditations for the Advent
and Christmas seasons. Scripture, personal reflection, a question to think about
or act to consider, and a short prayer to Mary are sure to touch your heart and lead
you to a deeper relationship with Jesus and his mother, Mary. |
Catholic Prayers for All Occasions A beautiful compilation of hundreds of carefully selected prayers, ranging from prayers all Catholics should know by heart, to prayers for the Church and world to Scripture reading as prayer, this is a great gift for oneself, friends, and family. 978 1 61278 916 3 -384 pages - £10.99 Leatherette |
Every Day with Mary |
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Mother Teresa’s Secret Fire Walk in the footsteps of Mother Teresa to understand the depths of her spirituality and share the message she asked the author to give the world. Let this message guide you to the most neglected realms of your own spirit. Discover the inspiration, insight, and instruction to transform your everyday life in the same way Mother Teresa’s divine encounter transformed hers. 978-1-68192-048-1 320 pages £16.50 |
Padre Pio |
Prayers, Promises and Devotions for the Holy Souls in Purgatory Susan Tassone Provides an unprecedented treasure trove of spiritual tools among which are devotions, meditations, and wisdom from the holy souls and patron saints of souls in purgatory from the holy souls and that you can use to take an active role in this vital and rewarding vocation. Sharing her deep understanding and personal connection with the centuries old tradition of praying with supernatural charity for holy souls, Tassone will inspire you with her passion and educate you with her meticulous research. 978 1 61278 556 1 - 128 pages - £10.99 |
St. Thérèse of Lisieux |
Through the Year with Pope Francis: |
The Miracle and the Message |
What Do You Really Want? |
Angels of the Lord 365 Reflections on Our Heavenly Guardians Catherine Odell & Margaret Savitskas As Christians, we believe that angels have been given the sacred mission to assist, protect, and guide human beings and all of God’s creation. Let them inspire and guide you daily. Week after week, these amazing heavenly creatures will coax you closer to God, to prayer, and the sure knowledge of our Creator’s endless love. 978-1-61278-390-1 386 pages £13.99 |
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