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Catholic Bioethics (3rd Edition)
William E. May

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Advent and Christmas with Mary
Dr Mary Amore

Prepare for and celebrate Christ s coming with brief daily meditations for the Advent and Christmas seasons. Scripture, personal reflection, a question to think about or act to consider, and a short prayer to Mary are sure to touch your heart and lead you to a deeper relationship with Jesus and his mother, Mary.

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Every Day with Mary
Edited by Dr. Mary Amore

Begin each day with a quote from scripture, poetry or a prayer, followed by a reflection pertaining to the quote. You will then be guided into deeper prayer with a reflection question and a short prayer to our Blessed Mother.

978-1-68192-145-7   416 pages  £14.99

For Those Who Grieve
Jeannie Ewing

Offers prayers and reflections to use on your grieving journey. Theses small, but meaningful devotions, offer you a way to be led by the Holy Spirit to hope and healing. This devotional invites you to live in the midst of your sorrow and to be patient with yourself. A much needed companion for those searching for healing.

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Mother Teresa’s Secret Fire
Joseph Langford

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Padre Pio
The True Story
C. Bernard Ruffin

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Prayers, Promises and Devotions

for the Holy Souls in Purgatory

Susan Tassone

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St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Meditations with the Little Flower
Joseph D.White, Ph.D.

A fresh authoritative translation of the Little Flower’s autobiography from the original French. Readers will be inspired by her simple spirituality and writings on topics like purity, God’s will, grace, self-abandonment, joy, and much more.

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Through the Year with Pope Francis:
Daily Reflections
Pope Francis

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The Miracle and the Message
100 Years of Fatima
John C. Preiss

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What Do You Really Want?
St. Ignatius of Loyola and the Art of Discernment
Jim Manney

Breaks down the great saint’s spiritual exercise of discernment into practical, doable steps that you can use every day for decisions large and small. Plus - you don’t have to be a scholar or a theologian to understand it - it’s useful for everyone, at any stage of life.

978-1-61278-796-1   112 pages  £10.99

Angels of the Lord

365 Reflections on Our Heavenly Guardians

Catherine Odell & Margaret Savitskas

As Christians, we believe that angels have been given the sacred mission to assist, protect, and guide human beings and all of God’s creation. Let them inspire and guide you daily. Week after week, these amazing heavenly creatures will coax you closer to God, to prayer, and the sure knowledge of our Creator’s endless love.

                978-1-61278-390-1  386 pages  £13.99

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