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Sophia Institute Press
  Selected 2021-2022 Titles

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Aquinas on the Four Last Things
Everything You Need To Know About Death, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell
Kevin Vost

With St. Thomas as his guide, Dr Vost explores the destination of our souls after death and uncovers the mysteries surrounding limbo and purgatory. He unveils what our bodies will look like at the resurrection and identifies the four special gifts that will perfect our bodies in heaven. You’ll learn whether sinners will be “left behind” on earth and why we pray for the dead and to the saints.

978-1-64413-299-9  288 pages  £14.99

A Biblical Way of Praying the Mass
The Eucharistic Wisdom of Venerable Bruno Lanteri
Fr Timothy Gallagher, OMV

To fruitfully pray the Mass from the heart is a gift of grace. The biblical way of praying the Mass method is a means to dispose your soul to receive this grace. Combined with spiritual exercises and reflections – and full-color images of sacred art – you’ll find this book to be a great gift to not only grow in prayer during Mass, but in your spiritual life.

978-1-68278-227-9   152 pages  £12.50

A Cardiologist Examines Jesus
The Eucharistic Wisdom of Venerable Bruno Lanteri
Fr Timothy Gallagher, OMV

This astounding book takes us through the extensive medical and scientific research into five Eucharistic miracles, unveiling the stunning testimonies of hematologists, oncologists, neurologists, geneticists, molecular biologists, and more who all concluded the same thing: the five Eucharistic miracles are undeniably authentic

978-1-64413-477-1   308 pages  £16.50

Catechism of the Spiritual Life
Robert Cardinal Sarah

In this dynamic and authoritative book on the spiritual life, Cardinal Robert Sarah shows us how to enter into and progress through the spiritual life. Invites you to journey with him through the Gospels and discover the origin and meaning of each of the sacraments and how they are essential to helping you grow in your personal relationship with Jesus, foster your contemplative life, and flourish in communion with the Holy Trinity

978-1-68278-293-4    336 pages   £19.99 Hardback

The Catholic Mass
Bishop Athanasius Schneider

In what is sure to be seen as one of the most impressive and

authoritative books ever written on the Catholic Mass, Bishop Schneider re-establishes what Catholics have known for centuries but have largely forgotten today: that the Mass is the highest form of Christian prayer, which enables us to express with exterior worship our interior belief.

978-1-64413-540-2  320 pages  £17.99

The Diary of Saint Gemma
Saint Gemma Galgani

Here is the remarkable diary of this young saint. It will give you an enthralling glimpse into her numerous encounters with Jesus Crucified, with Our Lady, and with her guardian angel, whom she saw almost every day and would even send on errands, usually to deliver messages to her confessor in Rome. You will witness St. Gemma’s courage in fulfilling even laborious duties while wearing the hidden crown of thorns, and you’ll learn what St. Gabriel Possenti, to whom she was especially devoted, taught her about the connection between bodily illness and spiritual healing.

978-1-64413-710-9  160 pages £12.99

Encounters with Angels
The Invisible Companions of Our Spiritual Life
Odile Haumonté

Carefully combines the writings of Scripture, Tradition, and the testimony of saints who met angels face-to-face to unveil the breathtaking facts behind these heroic heavenly beings and shows you how to identify the subtle signs - not overtly miraculous but consequential details - of angelic presences in the here and now.

978-1-64413-471-9   256 pages £15.50

For Eternity
Restoring the Priesthood and Our Spiritual Fatherhood
Robert Cardinal Sarah

Collected here are the writings of the greatest saints to help priests rediscover the essence of their priesthood so the people of God can renew their gaze upon them. This is not a treatise of academic theology, Cardinal Sarah explains, but a theology of the saints that is contemplative and spiritual as well as practical and concrete.

978-1-68278-291-0  256 pages £19.99 Hardback

Handbook of Moral Theology
Fr Dominic M. Prümmer

At long last, this centenary edition restores the superb English translation of 1956 in a fresh new typesetting, making Fr. Prümmer’s original text much easier to navigate and more pleasant to read. The many citation errors that plagued earlier editions have been painstakingly corrected, and scores of additional citations have been added from Aquinas’s Summa Theologiae, Denzinger’s Enchiridion, and the Roman Catechism — three of the author’s favourite sources. The topical index has likewise been expanded and now includes technical moral terms of more recent use (such as “double effect”) to allow for more rapid contemporary reference.

978-1-64413-610-2  512 pages £19.99 Hardback

A Holy Hour with Mother Angelica
Mother Angelica

An ever-faithful disciple of the Church and Her Tradition, Mother Angelica saved her most precious words for her viewers. The fruit of her years of prayerful reflections as a Poor Clare Nun of Perpetual Adoration, this book is a beautiful accompaniment to prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament or at home.

978-1-68278-190-6 292 pages  £14.99

The Imitation of Mary
Keys to Growth in Virtue and Grace

Fr Quan Tran

Shows you how to imitate the twelve essential qualities of Mary in order to unleash a torrent of graces in your life. Fr Tran explains that, like any gift, grace must be received, opened, and used. As you learn how, you’ll begin to acquire the temperaments, dispositions, and qualities that are most pleasing to God — and you’ll serve as a channel of God’s grace for others.

978-1-64413-329-3  336 pages  £14.99

The Lost Art of Sacrifice
A Spiritual Guide for Denying Yourself, Embracing the Cross, and Finding Joy
Vicki Burbach

Contrasts – as Jesus did – our selfish worldly culture with the way Christians are called to live, illuminating the essential role that sacrifice must play in every worthy human life. Each chapter ends with practical, down-to-earth suggestions to help readers cultivate the art of sacrifice in their lives, so that each may find a way to follow Christ as He commands us.

978-1-62282-636-0  240 pages £15.50

Mementoes of the English Martyrs and Confessors
For Every Day in the Year
Henry Sebastian Bowden

The heroic witness of the English martyrs you meet in this superb volume of daily meditations will instill a greater piety and zeal in your heart. Each day features a captivating short story from the life of a martyr or an excerpt from his or her writings. Their testimonies, sometimes prophetic, always profound, impart urgent reminders to us about Catholic persecution as it has occurred through time.  

978-1-64413-778-9 456 pages  £17.99

Overcoming Sinful Thoughts
How to Realign Your Thinking and Defeat Harmful Ideas
Fr T.G. Morrow

Shows us how the devil uses our thoughts to throw us off balance and draw us into sin. This book explains how our thoughts can dissuade us from doing good and even inhibit us from developing intimacy with God. The root cause of sinful thinking is a misunderstanding of the world God has created and the Truth His Son has revealed. Ultimately, the precept that every Christian must

accept is that nothing in this world can satisfy our longing for happiness—other than God and the Life to which He calls us.

978-1-62282-630-8  240 pages  £12.99

The Pain of Christ and the Sorrow of God
Lenten Meditations
Fr Gerald Vann, OP

This compendium of Lenten inspirations is of great significance. In seven chapters marked by originality and striking clarity, Fr. Vann gets under the rind and into the heart of every aspect of Christ’s Passion.

“It is not merely penance that the Church asks of us during Lent. It is extra prayer.”

978-1-64413-479-5  112 pages  £12.50

Praying with Jesus and Faustina
during Lent and in Times of Suffering
Susan Tassone

This book will engage you in Jesus’ horrific sufferings, giving you grace, light and strength to bear your own sufferings. It opens with daily Lenten meditations featuring the words of Jesus and St Faustina on the Passion. Each day also includes both special reflections for times of suffering and a prayer.

978-1-64413-427-6  208 pages  £13.99

Saint Pius V
The Legendary Pope Who Excommunicated Queen Elizabeth I, Standardized the Mass, and Defeated the Ottoman Empire
Prof. Roberto de Mattei

An exceedingly compelling and powerful biography of Pope Pius V, widely recognized as one of the boldest and most courageous popes of the past millennium, who decisively defeated the Ottoman Turks at the Battle of Lepanto and fought head-on the Protestant Reformation, which had assailed the Church

978-1-64413-461-0  464 pages  £19.99

The Springtime That Never Came
Bishop Athanasius Schneider

In t
his riveting and climatic interview with Bishop Schneider he tackles controversial issues of our time with wisdom, charity and occasional humour providing a rich historical and theological perspective with straightforward answers to a profusion of startling questions on topics such as ecumenism, ecology, Mass reforms, the German Church, Hell, Purgatory, sin, heresy, the roles of women in the Church, the traditional liturgy, and much more!

978-1-64413-513-6  320 pages £17.99 Hardback

This Present Paradise
A Spiritual Journey with St. Elizabeth of the Trinity

Claire Dwyer

This tender yet powerful book takes you on a spiritual journey with this little-known but fast-ascending saint. She shows you how to overcome aridity in prayer and discover ways to bring peace to familial relationships. You’ll learn how to identify and fulfil the specific mission God has for you and how to draw courage and meaning from the inevitable sufferings you will face.

978-1-64413-287-6  240 pages  £12.99

The World of Marian Apparitions

Wincenty Łaszewski

The world-changing appearance of Our Lady at Fatima ushered in a continuing series of remarkable apparitions worldwide that the Church has either officially approved or marked as likely-authentic.Most of these riveting chapters include portentous warnings - some are ominous, others more hopeful. This stunning book serves as a wake-up call to the faithful and is a worldwide clarion call to deeper prayer and conversion.

978-1-64413-202-9   432 pages £32.50 Hardback

The Catholic Guide to Miracles
Separating the Authentic from the Counterfeit
Adam Blai

A comprehensive, careful, and thoughtful exploration of miracles, the Church’s process of approving them, and the telltale signs of demonic counterfeits. You will  understand why Christ allows miracles to occur in our day and savor a stunning variety of stories of healings, apparitions, Eucharistic miracles, modern-day stigmata, heavenly near-death experiences, angelic apparitions, and other amazing events. Written by a layman who trains exorcists.

978-1-64413-296-8  176 pages   £15.50

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Cardinal Sarah
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