Ignatius Press
2024 Titles

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Courage Under Fire
Fr Willie Doyle, SJ: Priest and Hero of the First World Ward W
Fiorella De Maria

This joyful, holy, brave, and compassionate priest left the country he loved and ministered to soldiers in the hell of the trenches, dodging bullets and bombs to ensure that dying soldiers could receive the sacraments. By the time he was killed trying to help a wounded soldier, he had become greatly loved and esteemed by both Catholics and Protestants fighting in the war.

978-1-62164-650-1 200 illustrated pages £10.99  (Vision title)

Exploring the World’s Foundation in Christ
An Introduction to the Writings and Thought of Donald Keefe
Edited by Kevin A McMahon

The many and far-reaching topics that Keefe addressed are arranged in the book under a series of chapter headings that are intended to provide an overview of the content of Catholic theology—from Christology to Mariology to Ecclesiology. The result will be to convey the rich and varied fruit of a gifted mind, but also, it is hoped, some sense of the man himself.

978-1-62164-643-3  275 pages  £17.99

God Is Ever New
Meditations on Life, Love, and Freedom

Pope Benedict XVI

An inspiring anthology of the thought of Benedict XVI around the main Christian themes of life, love and freedom. It includes a foreword by Pope Francis who speaks of the "theology of Benedict XVI, passion and richness imbued with the Gospel". This collection of spiritual thoughts shows the creative ability of Benedict to investigate the various aspects of Christianity with a fruitfulness of images, language and perspective that become a continuous stimulus to cultivate the precious gift of welcoming God into one's life

ours. 978-1-62164-652-5  163 pages  £16.50 Hardback

Now and At the Hour of Our Death
Making Moral Decisions at the End of Life
Nikolas Niikas and Bruce Green

This work provides guidance so readers can quickly turn to their most pressing questions and find answers consistent with the Christian Faith and the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. The book uses practical reasoning to understand and apply the correct moral principles to specific concrete situations to reach proper moral conclusions.

978-1-62164-225-1   220 pages  £15.50

On Obedience
Adrienne von Speyr

Obedience flows through the very core of reality in all its breadth: heaven and earth, God and creation, Christ and man. It colors the life of the family, the life of man in the world, the life of the Christian before God, and even the life of God himself, because obedience means, above all, listening. Only in obedience does joy, indeed life, become possible.

978-1-62164-545-0  160 pages  £15.50

Rabbles, Riots, and Ruins
Twelve Ancient Cities and How They Were Evangelized
Micheal Aquilina

Jerusalem. Rome. Antioch. Alexandria. Ephesus. Lugdunum. Edessa. Carthage. Ejmiatsin ...

These were the ancient cities that once had raged against the Gospel and persecuted the Church, but later came to admirable faith. Each city had its own unique topography, commerce, culture, and institutions. Each city had its distinctive blend of gossip and history. Each city was different from all the others — and each become more perfectly itself through the influence of Jesus Christ.

978-1-62164-678-5  206 pages  £14.99

JesuSpiritual Masters

Living and Praying in the Catholic Tradition

Archbishop Emeritus Alfred Hughes

This book offers a synthesis of the ordinary steps to living the Gospel life more fully and introduces the reader to thirteen Christian spiritual classics which illustrate those steps.  Among the great saints and spiritual writers whose writings are included in this book are St. Augustine, St. Teresa of Avila, St. Benedict, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Francis de Sales, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. John of the Cross, and others.

978-1-62164-686-0 185 pages  £14.99

The True Europe
Its Identity and Mission
Pope Benedict XVI

Here is Benedict XVI's last and heartfelt call for Europe to rediscover and reaffirm its true origin and identity that have made it great and a model of beauty and humanity. It is not about imposing the truths of faith as the foundation of Europe, but about making a thorough choice, recognizing that it is more natural and just to live "as if God existed" than "as if there were no God."  Just as Pope John XXIII called on the great nations of Europe and the West to avoid a devastating nuclear war, today Benedict XVI addresses for the last time all of Europe and the West so that, by rediscovering their own soul, they can save themselves and the world from self-destruction. 

978-1-62164-595-5   300 pages  £16.50

Too Small a World
The Life of Mother Frances Cabrini
Theodore Maynard

Foreword by Cardinal Timothy Dolan

This is a moving, deeply inspiring portrait of a woman who wholeheartedly dedicated her life to serving others and whose legacy continues to inspire countless people around the world today. The material within this book is drawn directly from the Vice-Postulator of her cause for sainthood, from the original records of her life, and from interviews granted to him by members of her religious order who had a close relationship with her.   

978-1-62164-704-1   375 pages  £15.50

What Do You Seek?
Encountering the Heart of the Gospel
Edward Sri

Unfortunately, many Catholics today do not know the basic outline of the Gospel message, or are not confident sharing it with others. So this book focuses on the kerygma—that basic, core Gospel message that is at the foundation of everything we believe and do as Catholics. The aim is to help us enter more deeply into the Gospel, to ponder the mysteries of God’s love for us and his work of salvation.

 978-1-955305-68-6    150 pages  £13.99

Why Does Everything Come in Three’s?
A Short Book About Everything
Peter Kreeft

Join Peter Kreeft and explore the common Trinitarian structure of everything, of the whole universe and the human life in it of which you are a part, and also explore the basis of its structure in exploring that of its divine architect.The fact that so many things come in threes (e.g. material and temporal dimensions, protagonists in epics, values, the ontological structure of logic and love) does not prove the dogma of the Trinity, but it gives powerful clues to this truth about the nature of Ultimate Reality.  

 978-1-62164-679-2   155 pages  £13.99

Two new titles in the popular series:

“What Every Catholic Should Know”

Mark Giszczak

Coping with suffering as Christians includes certain spiritual practices that lead us to surrender our lives more fully to the Lord. By offering our suffering as a spiritual sacrifice, joined intentionally to the suffering of Christ through prayer, we engage with the most profound Christian teaching about suffering: that it is redemptive. Suffering can transform us

to be like God.  

978-1-955305-58-7   175 pages  £13.99

Women of the Church
Bronwen McShea

The author says, “I have written this book for Catholic readers of all ages as a shortcut to stories about women of the Church that took me years to learn and piece together on my own. This book features not only well-known saints but also many other women—canonized, beatified, awaiting beatification, and at times important historically but not deserving of veneration— whom I believe every Catholic should know.”

978-1-950939-89-3  225 pages  £13.99

Other titles still available in the series £13.99 each:

Being Catholic  (Suzie Andres) 978-1-733859-89-9

The Bible (Edited by Tim Gray) 978-1-955305-60-0

God  (Dr Elizabeth Klein) 978-1-733859-88-2

Literature  (Joseph Pearce) 978-1-733522-12-0

Mercy (Fr Daniel Maloney) 978-1-950939-15-2

Philosophy (Peter Kreeft) 978-1-955305-31-0

Salvation (Michael Patrick Barber) 978-1-733522–18-2

George Cardinal Pell
Pax Invictis: A Biography
Tess Livingstone

Never a shrinking violet, Pell’s high profile in Australia, Rome, Britain and

the United States meant he was never far from controversy, inside an increasingly fractured Church and in a world grown hostile to the Apostolic tradition. This definitive biography traces Pell’s life from childhood in regional Australia to the Vatican Treasurer in 2014, through his trials, imprisonment, and rebuilding his life.

978-1-62164-657-0  500 pages  £24.99 Hardback (Autumn 2024)

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