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 More selected 2020-2021 Titles

100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World

Patrick Novecosky

John Paul II changed the world forever in many ways; this book describes 100 of the most important.  Each of the 100 accomplishments, teachings, or stories about John Paul II is fascinating, providing a glimpse into the astounding life and impact of this great and beloved saint.

978-1-68192-655-1  144 pages  £13.99

Believe Celebrate Live Pray

A Weekly Walk with the Catechism

Jem Sullivan

A unique way to grow in faith by meditating, over fifty-two weeks, on the four pillars of the Catechism. This highly accessible and personal guide will help you apply the teachings of the Catechism to your daily life. Each weekly reading includes a quote from the Catechism and an invitation to apply that wisdom to your life. Each one is illuminated by personal anecdotes, human interest stories, sacred art, the liturgical year, and the lives of the saints.

978-1-68192-183-9  192 pages  £13.99

A Fiery Heart
The Radical Love of St Francis of Assisi
Felice Accrocca

This biography tells the story of the man behind the saint. Inspiration for this book was drawn from current events as well as from the words and gestures of Pope Francis, who, in taking the name of the Saint of Assisi wanted to take a clear and irrevocable position. These words will be of interest to anyone who wishes to look into the writings and teachings of Pope Francis combined with the life and love of Saint Francis of Assisi.

978-1-68192-621-6   128 pages  £13.99

                 Handy Little Guide to Lent
                                Michelle Schroeder

Lent is the forty-day journey through the ultimate expression of self-sacrifice that our Savior endured for us. If this season doesn’t create some lasting change in us, we’ve done it wrong.

Whether you’re giving up chocolate (again) or just trying to figure out meatless Fridays, if you want to get the most out of each and every Lent, The Handy Little Guide to Lent is for you.

                   978-1-68192-671-1  64 pages  £4.99

How-To Book of Catholic Theology
Fr. John P. Cush, STD

As you will learn, in this book, theology at its core is about encountering God's self-revelation in Christ through the Church. In his clear, conversational style, theologian Father John Cush offers a comprehensive overview of Catholic theology, making it both approachable and actionable.

978-1-68192-438-0  160 pages  £15.50

How to Pray
A Practical Guide to the Spiritual Life
David Torkington

Everyday guidance for entering more deeply into prayer, whether you are a beginner or looking to go deeper in your prayer life. The forty short, easy-to-read chapters in this guide can be read as a devotional, for meditation, or alongside Sacred Scripture.

978-1-68192-744-2  168 pages  £10.99

                       Our Mother Earth
A Christian Reading of the Challenge of the Environment
                                  Pope Francis

Gathered from the writings and discourses of Pope Francis on the environment, Our Mother Earth sets forth a Christian vision of ecology.

Responding to our global ecological crisis, Pope Francis says, will require a global approach in which "the whole human family in the search for a sustainable and integral development" unites to protect our common home.

978-1-68192-669-8  144 pages  £13.99

The Breath of New Life
Pope Francis

While we are not always conscious of our breath, we can never stop breathing, because this is the source of our physical life. In the same way, prayer is the source — the very breath — of our spiritual life. Each time we pray, we encounter God and come to share more fully in his life.

978-1-68192-678-0  208 pages  £15.50

St Michael the Archangel
James F. Day

Here you will discover the fascinating "biography" of the angel whose mission from God is to do battle against Satan and all the evil spirits. Weaving together Scripture, history, papal documents, and popular devotion, author James Day fills in the gaps of our knowledge about Saint Michael, revealing the impact the mighty defender has on individuals, the Church, and the world

978-1-68192-588-2   144 pages  £12.50

Seeking God with Saint John Henry Newman
Ryan J. Marr

An invitation to receive spiritual counsel from one of the towering intellectuals of the 19th century. Newman’s practical guidance distilled for the reader by a Newman scholar, provides wisdom on prayer, penance, and the path to heaven.

978-1-68192-592-9   192 pages  £15.50

Thomas Becket
Fr. John S. Hogan

Reintroduces this enigmatic saint and invites us to consider his background, his influences, his progress in ambition and office, and his personal struggle for holiness. This biography reveals the relevance Thomas's life and struggle have to our own day. As secularism seeks to destroy faith, Catholics can turn to Saint Thomas for help. His is the story of every Christian; though the time and circumstances may differ, the struggle remains the same. 900 years after his death, Saint Thomas Becket remains a man and a saint for our times.

978-1-68192-582-0   544 pages  £19.99

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