Gracewing Publishing
Our List: Titles D-E





Devil is a Jackass

Madigan, L

978 085244 251 7


Devotions to St Thomas Becket

Hogan, J

978 085244 914 1


Dewi Sant - Saint David

Midgley, J.B.

978 085244 758 1


Diary of a City Priest

Allain, D

978 085244 923 3


Difficulties of  Anglicans Vol.1 (hb)

Newman, J.H.

978 085244 412 2


Difficulties of Anglicans Vol.2 (hb)

Newman, J.H.

978 085244 413 9


Dignitas Personae Explained

Fleming, J.I.

978 085244 751 2


Discipline and Justice

Evans, G

978 085244 470 2


Discover The Other Universe


978 085244 493 1


Discovering Edith Stein

Lyne, P

978 085244 631 7


Discourses Addressed to Mixed Congregations (hb)

Newman, J.H.

978 085244 455 9


Discussions and Arguments (hb)

Newman, J.H.

978 085244 453 5


Divine Matrix

Bracken, J

978 085244 336 1


Dr Franz Hildebrandt

Cresswell, A/Tow, M

978 085244 322 4


Dom Augustine Baker

Scott, G (ed)

978 085244 774 1


Dominican Gallery (hb)

Nichols, A

978 085244 393 4


Dominus Est-It is the Lord!

Schneider, Revd A

978 09778846 1 2


Douai Martyrs

Skinner, G

978 085244 998 1


Doves in Crimson Fields

Ewan, R

978 085244 912 7


Dream of Gerontius

Newman, J.H.

978 085244 822 9


Dying We Live (hb)

Grayston, K

978 0232 51836 8


Dynamic Order

Pezzimenti, R

978 085244 490 0



Early Carthusian Writings


978 085244 689 8


Early Chriistianity

Haffner, P

978 085244 895 3


The Early Cistercian Nuns 1098 - 1350

Williams, D

978 085244 995 0


Earthen Vessels

Arthur, J, Walters,  Gaine, S

978 085244 507 5


Ebbing Tide

Arthur, J

978 085244 347 7


Echoing the Silence

Skinner, J

978 085244 193 0


Edith Stein - Woman of Prayer

Mosley, J

978 085244 596 9


Edith Stein Discovered

Lyne, P

978 085244 505 1


Edith the Fair

Flint, B

978 085244 870 0


Edmund Campion

Simpson, R

978 085244 734 5


Edward Caswall

de Flon, N

978 085244 607 2


Edward King

Marshall, M

978 085244 975 2


Elizabeth Hayes

Shaw, P

978 085244 209 8


Elizabeth of the Trinity

Murphy, M

978 085244 728 4


Elizabeth Prout 1820-1864

Hamer, E

978 085244 171 8


Elusive Father Brown

Smith, J

978 085244 698 0


Enemies of Love

Watkin, A

978 085244 267 8


Engaged to Be Married

Bogle, J

978 085244 497 9


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