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A Theology of Wonder:

G.K.Chesterton’s Response to Nihilism

Brian P. Gillen

                      "At the back of our brains there is a forgotten blaze or burst of

astonishment at our own existence. The object of artistic and spiritual life

is to dig for that submerged sunrise of wonder."



G.K.Chesterton was one of the giants of early 20th century literature. Although never a professional theologian, he was what one might call a lay theologian. This new and engaging study shows how Chesterton's "theology of wonder" not only acts as a brilliant antidote to the philosophy of nihilism, but also provides us today with that element most lacking in modern thought, namely the astonished sense of gratitude and wonder at the mystery of existence, and the joyous recognition, in particular, at the marvel of being human.

G.K.Chesterton always opens our eyes a little wider.  Brian P Gillen demonstrates that Chesterton’s philosophy of wonder is also the basis of a sound theology.

Dale Ahlquist, President  - G.K.Chesterton Society

Brian Gillen was born and raised in New York City. He completed his doctoral dissertation at the University of St Thomas Aquinas in Rome, and is currently teaching at Seton Hall University in New Jersey.

978 085244 855 7              

96 pages       £7.99