The Gift of Julian of Norwich
Karen Manton
In a time of political violence and religious censorship in the fourteenth century, Julian of Norwich dared to speak abut love and her understanding of God through her remarkable book of ‘Showings’ or revelations. This series of sixteen visions came to her during a severe illness when she was thirty. Her message is that God who is all love, all goodness, and the source of all existence, will make all things well.
In this book superb illustrations and calligraphy by award winning artist Lynne Muir bring excerpts from the ‘Showings’ to life, with translations, insights, and a fascinating account of Julian’s world from Karen Manton.
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The Gift of Saint Benedict
Verna A. Holyhead
Illustrated by Lynne Muir
The essentials elements of the Rule are here set out as a simple introduction to St Benedict’s teaching, which can also be used as a structure for meditation and prayer. Beautifully illustrated by Lynne Muir, in a manner of early manuscript illumination, this book confirms the enduring value of the Rule of St Benedict
978 085244 601 0
128 pages Illustrated
£7.99hb We regret this title is now out of print