Newman’s London
A pilgrim handbook. Revised edition
Joanna Bogle
Illustrated by Malgorzata Brykczynska
The strong and continuing interest in John Henry Newman, particularly following his beatification by Pope Benedict XVI on his visit to Britain in 2010, brought the thought that pilgrims might find it useful to have a guide to places in London associated with him: where he was born, where he grew up, where he spent childhood summers…the places of which he had warm memories, later recalled during his long life.
The cities with which Newman is chiefly associated are of course Oxford and Birmingham, so this book obviously has information on these. Guidebooks to both cities give due attention to this great figure. But the visitor to London who seeks information about Newman has hitherto not been given much help. This book is an attempt to remedy that.
The book is designed not only to help the Newman pilgrim on travels, but also to be read simply for enjoyment, and to provide background information on Newman’s life and the importance he has in our country’s Christian story.
This book guides us through Newman’s London. It is intriguing to discover the places that he knew. The house where he was born, near his father’s bank in the City, no longer stands but the Square Mile is still a teeming place of banking and business. The rural Ealing, where he arrived in a stagecoach for boarding-school, has vanished under suburban streets. The family’s summer home to along by the Thames at Ham, however, still has an air of peaceful country living.
For Londoners and visitors alike, discovering Newman’s London can bring the story of this great man’s life into focus. It is a wonderful way of exploring the message that he has for us today.
I wish all pilgrim readers of this book every blessing and joy!
X Cardinal Vincent Nichols
Archbishop of Westminster
Joanna Bogle is a Catholic journalist and broadcaster and the author of fifteen other books, all published by Gracewing.
978 085244 713 0 100 pages illustrated £9.99
Newman’s Oxford
New Enlarged Edition
Fr. Jerome Bertam
A new edition of the guide to the places and buildings associated with Newman during his years in Oxford 1816-46, including many illustrations and a useful map.
978 085244 950 9 64 pages £6.99
Newman at Littlemore
Bernard Basset SJ
Fr Bernard’s Basset’s Newman at Littlemore has been a source of knowledge and inspiration for countless Newman friends since it was first published in 1983. Fr Basset lived at the College in his retirement and so brought personal detailed knowledge and experience of the College to his readers. His witty style increases the pleasure with which one makes acquaintance with John Henry’s friends, family and parishioners. The illustrations help us to form a picture of Newman’s Oxford which played such an influential part in the life and thinking of this “eminent Victorian.” It was especially at Littlemore that Newman in the words of Pope St Paul VI “guided solely by love of the truth and fidelity to Christ, traced an itinerary, the most toilsome but also the greatest, the most meaningful, the most conclusive, that human thought ever travelled during the 19th century indeed one might say during the modern era, to arrive at the fullness of truth.”
I am pleased that Gracewing have undertaken to republish this valuable work. Since 1986 the Spiritual Family the Work have taken care of The College with great love and devotion. Under their auspices it has developed into a place of pilgrimage for Newman friends from around the world. This new edition of Newman at Littlemore has been edited and enlarged by the community of the Work and for this pilgrims to Littlemore will be grateful.
+ Robert Byrne
Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle
978 085244 942 4 120 pages £7.99